Welcome to St. Davids Photo Gallery.
St. David's Priory
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Have you any photo's you think would be suitable for display on the website?
If so, you may uplink them by clicking or tapping here or on the above picture which will open the Upload page. They do not just have to be about St. David's, but could, for example, be of churches or holy places that you have visited on holiday, fiestas, religious parades, statues, holy relics, social events organised for charity, etc.
Alternatively, if you have any difficulty, you may send them by e-mail to:-
Below is a slideshow of some of the photo's you can view in the gallery.
Have you any photo's you think would be suitable for display on the website?
If so, you may send them to us by email to stdavidspriory@gmail.com. They do not necessarily have to be about St. David's, but could, for example, be of churches or holy places you have visited on holiday, fiestas, religious parades, statues, holy relics, social events organised for charity, etc.