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The Catholic Fund for Overseas Development, St David's Priory.


New members always welcome.

Church Community and Social Group


We hope that many more people will join in and contribute to our activities.


Contact Jean (01792 233464),  Mo (01792 410052), or Geradine (01792 818011)

Legion of Mary

The Legion of Mary is a lay Catholic organisation whose members give service to the Church on a voluntary basis.

Members of the Legion meet on Tuesdays at 7.30pm in the meeting room of the church hall, for prayer, planning and discussion. They also do two hours work each week, in pairs, and as allocated from the meeting. There are many types of works, e.g. visiting hospitals, visiting the elderly and housebound, recitation of public rosaries, organising discussion groups, etc.
The Legion sees as its priority, the spiritual and social welfare of each individual.

Music Group


“One cannot find anything more religious and more joyful in sacred celebrations than a whole congregation expressing its faith and devotion in song”     Musicam Sacram 16


At St David’s great care is taken in preparing the music used in the liturgy, and the assembly takes its rightful part in singing the Mass. We are “a people brought together in unity by Communion in the Body and Blood of Christ .. holy in its origin, growing constantly in holiness by conscious, active, and fruitful participation in the mystery of the Eucharist. “     GIRM 5


As part of the assembly we are fortunate to have parishioners who act as cantors, choir members and instrumentalists. Our choir’s primary function is to lead the assembly in song thereby encouraging the people’s prayer.

Prayer Group

St. David's Prayer Group
The Prayer Group meet at 11.00am every Tuesday in the meeting room of the church hall, for an hour of prayer, praise, thanksgiving and reading of the daily Gospel.
Refreshments are shared at the end of the meeting.

Please join us - everyone is welcome.

Pure in Heart​


Pure in Heart is an international Catholic movement of young adults who through prayer and friendship strive together to learn, live and share the truth, beauty and meaning of human sexuality.


The St David's pure in heart group meets every Sunday at 7.00pm in the meeting room of the church hall.

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ST Vincent

de Paul Society

England and Wales

Turning Concern into Acfion

Saint Vincent de Paul Society

The Saint Vincent de Paul Society (England and Wales) is part of an international voluntary Christian network dedicated to tackling poverty in all it's forms by providing practical assistance to people in need.

Founded in Britain in 1844, we foster diverse and inclusive connections, as a society that is welcoming to people of all faiths and none. We joyfully extend our hand in the care and personal service of individuals and families that need support.


Our 10,000 members, motivated by faith, visit vulnerable or isolated people across England and Wales and offer them friendship and practical support. The essence of our work is person to person contact and spending time with people is our greatest gift.


The Disciples Journey


Meetings are on Mondays at 7.30p.m. in the Church Hall. If you would like  to join us, just turn up on the night. It is suggested you bring a notebook to use as a journal and also a Bible.

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