The video's below are not hosted on St. David's website, but are well worth watching.
The Importance of Choir
A short video about the relevance of choral singing to the body and soul.
Misericordes sicut Pater, the hymn for the Holy Year of Mercy, beautifully sung by an Argentine choir in Spanish (Castillian)
Please note that we have no control over the continued availability of these video's, or any changes, substitutions or links provided on the pages they are hosted on. If you find any errors with these links, please contact us at:- stdavidspriory@gmail.com
Misericordes sicut Pater, the hymn for the Holy Year of Mercy, beautifully sung by a Slovakian choir. (Hirko Michal)
A one-hour documentary on the dramatic shift in sacred music, beginning in the 1960's when major religions reached out to engage their congregations.
A video by Father Robert Barron. Philosophy professor John Messerly claimed that religion has a "smart-people problem." Is this the case?
Have you any video's you think would be suitable for display on the website?
If so, you may send them to us by e-mail stdavidspriory@gmail.com. They do not necessarily have to be about St. David's, but could, for example, be of churches or holy places you have visited on holiday. If they are suitable we will then display them for everyone to enjoy.
Video's may be in any format, avi, wma, mov, 3gp etc.
Please also upload a text file, of any type
(txt, doc, etc.) describing your video.
If the file is too large to e-mail then you can upload it by using a computer instead of your 'phone. Just go to the photo gallery page on a computer and you will find instructions there.
A video by Father Robert Barron. Is religion really just about being a nice person? Is the goal of Christianity to simply become more kind, compassionate, and just?
A video by Father Robert Barron. If every innate or natural desire we have points to some objective state of affairs that fulfills it, then our innate desire for ultimate joy points to a supernatural source of fulfillment.
A video by Father Robert Barron. Over the centuries, tyrants and their lackeys have thought that they could wipe out the followers of Jesus through violence.
Have you any video's you think would be suitable for display on the website?
If so, you may send them to us by e-mail stdavidspriory@gmail.com. They do not necessarily have to be about St. David's, but could, for example, be of churches or holy places you have visited on holiday. If they are suitable we will then display them for everyone to enjoy.
Video's may be in any format, avi, wma, mov, 3gp etc.
Please also upload a text file, of any type
(txt, doc, etc.) describing your video.
If the file is too large to e-mail then you can upload it by using a computer instead of your 'phone. Just go to the video library page on a computer and you will find instructions there.
A video by Father Robert Barron. Do not accept a watered-down, easy-to-believe version of Jesus' resurrection. Let it be what it was always meant to be: dynamite.
A video by Father Robert Barron. Writer, actor, and comedian Stephen Fry featured in a YouTube rant against God. Is he right that evil and suffering disprove God?
A video by Father Robert Barron. Few Christians today can recite the Ten Commandments. Yet a deep exploration of these commandments reveals a path to a flourishing moral life.
A video by Father Robert Barron. The beginning of St. Mark's Gospel contains, in a sense, the whole Gospel message. It expresses the euangelion, the good news of Christ the King.
Watching streamed video or even listening to audio online can be very expensive if using a mobile device such as a 'phone. Please ensure you understand the costs involved. If in doubt ask someone who will know.