Chris Walker Workshop St. Joseph's Cathedral
The NNPM sponsored an all-day Chris Walker workshop for Menevia Diocese held at St
Joseph’s Cathedral hall, Swansea on Saturday 26th August. While most of the approximately 40 attendees (including six schoolchildren) came from Swansea or the immediate area, the opportunity attracted people from further afield, too. People travelled from Caerphilly, Welshpool, Portsmouth, Barnet and Letchworth, and they weren’t disappointed. While the weather outside threw wind and rain at us in intermittent squalls, we had a lovely music-filled day indoors.
Anyone who has ever been to a Chris Walker workshop knows there will be lots of singing,
from his own compositions both new and rediscovered as well as other composers’ work.
With the luxury of a full day, we had enough time for prayer, fellowship and musical and
liturgical insights. Chris shared how minor incidents as well as significant moments in his life affected his approach to composition. He also shared a number of chance encounters with people whom his music had touched in unanticipated ways, illustrating that you never know how God is going to use you, no matter what YOU are thinking when you make music.
We were left feeling a renewed sense of value of our shared ministry as parish musicians,
whether members of the assembly, choristers, musicians or leaders.
An extra benefit of the day was that because of the NNPM sponsorship we were able to
make a donation to the 2024 NNPM conference hardship fund, which helps young people,
and those who otherwise could not attend, participate in the conference.